Tag Archives: bedroom furniture

While Craigslisting…

5 Oct

Day 25 of the 90 in 90 blog challenge.

Me: Look! Oh gosh, look at this gorgeous bedroom set! It’s only 150 for a bed, bedside table, dresser and mirror!
Mom: Okay. Well contact them! Is there a number to call?
Me: (Getting out my phone and starting to text) Uh huh.
Mom: Well, wait are you gonna call them or text them?
Me: (Composing a text message) Hello, my name is Carolyn and I’m interested- What? Oh yeah I’m gonna call them. Okay, so- Hello, my name is Carolyn and I’m interested in purchasing…
Mom: … I thought you were going to call them.
Me: Why would I do that if I could just text them?
Mom: You just said you were going to call them.

Me: No I didn’t.
Mom: Yes you did. I said “Are you going to call them” and you said “Yeah I’m going to call them.”
Me: I did!?
Mom: Yeah!
Me: No I didn’t.
Mom: Yes you did!
Me: I did? That’s weird. Yeah no, I’m going to text them.
Mom: Ha ha! (Looks back to computer, starts to browse for more furniture) I was like “Okayeee is she going to call and talk to them?” And then you called them! I was so confused.
Me: …You mean text.
Mom: What?
Me: You mean I texted them.
Mom: What did I say?
Me: You said “call them.”
(Five second pause.)